Fast draw / add / erase algorithm on ILI9320

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Fast draw / add / erase algorithm on ILI9320

Postby wolf » Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:47 am

Hi all,

i've been looking for a solution to have a scope like application running on limited resources like STM32F103 and a controllered touch LCD (HY32D w/ ILI9320).
Well have a look: Turn the sound down - this was a quick and dirty one!
All the action is done in the LCD controllers RAM, so no external RAM is required. To speed things up, the algorithm is programmed in ASM, but it can be done in C as well - with a trade off for speed.
I don't want to claim an credits for this, as I found the basics in BenF's DSO nano code and integrated it into my GFX mod.
It can be done on any controllered LCD, if you can read back the pixel information. This may not be possible on certain devices as ePaper displays as i have been informed by ~tectu.
Apart from that - you see a rather crude rocker switch implementation - looking nice on the screen and nasty in code.
And some touch action too - moving cursors and showing the readings.
BTW: The curves are MCU generated.
I'm working on the channel sampling too, but my spare time is limited. Again - BenF's code is a very good source.

Any interest? If so - I will explain the how tos.

Take care

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Re: Fast draw / add / erase algorithm on ILI9320

Postby Tectu » Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:10 am

And again: Impressive work!

That with the eInk displays was just an example of common use cases, where no memory mapped display controller is used.
Implementing the rocker switches is on the ToDo list.

~ Tectu

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