Code: Select all
cat os/ports/GCC/ARMCMx/STM32F4xx/ld/STM32F407xG.ld
__main_stack_size__ = 0x0400;
__process_stack_size__ = 0x0400;
And here an important quote from giovanni:
The stack of the main() function can be changed in the linker script file. You need to copy the default linker script into your project directory then make the makefile use that one. Note that you have to change the PROCESS stack not the __main_stack_size__, the main stack is the stack for IRQs. Sorry for the confusion but it is how ARM named them.
There's currently no way to use gwinFillArea() with the background instead of the foreground color. This might be an interesting thing. I might add that!
~ Tectu