any chance for ILI9320 + SPI?

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any chance for ILI9320 + SPI?

Postby russian » Sat May 18, 2013 5:49 pm

I am cheap, so I am using the bone simple stm32f4discovery, I am from the software side - so I would prefer to handle as few wires as possible, that pointed me to ... -p-42.html - it's a 2.8" screen with ILI9320 in serial mode. The page only mentions ILI9320 in it's parallel version.

1) Is there any chance that the existing ILI930 driver would work for me if I implement a proper SPI-based gdisp_lld_board.h?
2) does anyone maybe have such board file?

PS: just a tiny usability suggestion - the "Write board files" guide references the download section which currently requires registration. Those existing board files are tiny anyway, it could be easier if you simply drop them into the library repository so that one would get them right away while getting the library, that would save people a bit of reading and a bit of registration.

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Re: any chance for ILI9320 + SPI?

Postby Tectu » Sat May 18, 2013 6:04 pm

1) Is there any chance that the existing ILI930 driver would work for me if I implement a proper SPI-based gdisp_lld_board.h?

It's totally possible. That's the entire reason and the goal behind the board files. From those 'cheap' controllers like the ILI and SSD ones I have heard that they don't need a per-interface initialization. Therefore everything should work just by writing a new board file

2) does anyone maybe have such board file?.

I don't have any and nobody contributed any yet. However, It shouldn't be that hard. Simply set the PAL modes correctly in the init_board(), set up the SPI (there are plenty of examples, you could also pick a board file from the ADS7843 touchscreen controller for that purpose, and then it's just a matter of writing and reading the SPI interface.

The board files are tiny indeed. However, the download section is meant to become bigger in the future and I'd like to keep everything at the same place (I will put the .zip and .tar.gz of the released version on there as well). For another, an issue is not just the file size but that bots just download them ten times every second.

I hope that helps a bit.

~ Tectu

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