Tectu wrote:
The current implementation of the calibration routine is only working in the native orientation of your display module.
I had no idea that they had a native mode, but I am very new at working with these type of displays.
Is the native mode determined by the chip?
Tectu wrote:The demo is not supposed to run in landscape nor portrait mode. It's supposed to run in the native mode of your display module which might be the portrait mode in your case. In order to change the orientation of the notepad demo, you may add a
gdispSetOrientation() call somewhere at line 90 of the main.c file. The documentation about this call can be found
I figured out how to set the orientation within the code in the notepadApp.c source and that worked well.
I obviously need to take a closer look at the documentation, though.
Tectu wrote:
About your not working drawing: Does your system crash? Do you get any unhandled exception? Does the system keep running smoothly and just nothing happens? The demo is using some dirty hack/implementation of an interpolation algorithm. Try to draw slower. If it works then, you have to adjust the GINPUT_MOUSE_POLL_PERIOD in the *_config.h of the ADS7843. Try to set it to something like 2 or 3 instead of 25.
It seems to work fine but just doesn't draw anything on the screen, even when moving slow.
Abhishek wrote:Hello xlh1460,
The demo is defined to work in such a way that it requires a screen which is more than 240 pixels wide. This means that if you are using a 240x320 display like the SSD1289, you will have to rotate the screen 90 degrees, to make all the UI elements draw all right.
Regarding your issue of being unable to draw in the area, more information is required as Tectu mentioned above.
Let us know your progress.
I figured out how to rotate it after I had posted my intial questions and that seems to have worked very well.
I will dig a bit deeper to see why it isn't drawing for me.
Thanks again.