I have been tinkering with the STM32F407 discovery board. Everything seems to go smoothly now, I can modify code, upload it to the board, debug etc.
Now it is time to move to my development board. I am beginning by following the guides here and there.... copying existing demo work and modifying it.
I am starting with the board config, I have edited the board.chcfg under a linked directory that points to my board (a renamed duplicate of the discovery board).
When I press the "Generate files from configuration data" button nothing happens.
Console shows no output, not any error, just nothing.
I should also add this is the only button under the Configuration menu as one of the 3 google results for this problem led me to a config_wizard/plugin.xml file on github (here). Reading through suggest there should be more buttons available ("Check Configuration Data")?
Anyway, button = nothing

Anyone else encountered the dead button under linux?