Generate files from configuration data does nothing.

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Generate files from configuration data does nothing.

Postby Xela » Fri Sep 22, 2017 3:46 pm

I have recently setup Eclipse Mars under linux (Ubuntu 14.04) and have installed the chibiStudio plugin, XML editor, CDT.

I have been tinkering with the STM32F407 discovery board. Everything seems to go smoothly now, I can modify code, upload it to the board, debug etc.

Now it is time to move to my development board. I am beginning by following the guides here and there.... copying existing demo work and modifying it.

I am starting with the board config, I have edited the board.chcfg under a linked directory that points to my board (a renamed duplicate of the discovery board).

When I press the "Generate files from configuration data" button nothing happens.

Console shows no output, not any error, just nothing.

I should also add this is the only button under the Configuration menu as one of the 3 google results for this problem led me to a config_wizard/plugin.xml file on github (here). Reading through suggest there should be more buttons available ("Check Configuration Data")?

Anyway, button = nothing :lol:

Anyone else encountered the dead button under linux?

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Re: Generate files from configuration data does nothing.

Postby Giovanni » Fri Sep 22, 2017 5:33 pm


I use MARS.2 under Linux Mint for development and it seems to work correctly (there is a bug affecting F0...).

What you should see in console is:

Code: Select all

Starting session

> Processing board.h.ftl
> Processing board.c.ftl
> Processing


You need to select the file before pressing the button.


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Re: Generate files from configuration data does nothing.

Postby villains » Mon Nov 20, 2017 1:46 am

I am experiencing the same problem with ChibiStudio Preview 19 on Windows 10 64-bit. I am trying to create a custom board config with an MCU from the STM32F7xx family.

I am following the instructions found here:

With the .chcfg file selected, I open the menu "Configuration" and pick the item "Generate Files from Configuration Data". Nothing happens, and the console in ChibiStudio remains empty. ... /image.png

Additionally, I searched for all files named "*.ftl" in my C:\ChibiStudio folder. There do not exist any "*.ftl" files for any STM32Fxxxx processor, and no files named "board.h.ftl" or "board.c.ftl" anywhere. It seems like I am missing some key components for the ChibiOS board config wizard to work?

Any suggestions on how to proceed would be most welcome :)

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Re: Generate files from configuration data does nothing.

Postby villains » Mon Nov 20, 2017 2:09 am

In the main ChibiOS Svn repository, I found the following files:


I tried copying the resources directory to various places inside the ChibiStudio install directory, but the board config wizard does not recognize any of them. As far as I can tell the board config wizard is broken. :(

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Re: Generate files from configuration data does nothing.

Postby Giovanni » Mon Nov 20, 2017 8:22 am


All those files are inside a .jar archive, you will not find them as separate files. Do you have a 32 bits JRE installed?


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Re: Generate files from configuration data does nothing.

Postby villains » Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:17 pm

Hello Giovanni,

Yes, as far as I can tell, I have JRE 1.8.0_131 x86 (32-bit) installed.

Best regards

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Re: Generate files from configuration data does nothing.

Postby Giovanni » Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:35 pm


There is a single button now, the other one was in an old version, this is not a problem. After selecting a .chcfg file and pressing the button you should see an operation log in console, errors are shown there too.

I have no ideas, it is just working here on both windows and Linux. Try reinstalling ChibiStudio and make sure it is installed under C:\. You may try a test installation on another PC and verify if it works.


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Re: Generate files from configuration data does nothing.

Postby villains » Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:00 pm

Hi Giovanni,

I tried re-installing ChibiStudio twice, with the same result. Nothing appears in the console when I click the "Generate Files from Configuration Data" button or menu option. I will try on another PC later today.

Best regards

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Re: Generate files from configuration data does nothing.

Postby Giovanni » Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:09 pm

It happened in the past that anti-virus SW caused a corrupted installation, try to disable it before unzipping the package, then re-enable it.


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Re: Generate files from configuration data does nothing.

Postby villains » Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:31 pm

Hi Giovanni,

Thank you for your support so far.

I just tried the following on a different PC:
- Disabled Windows Defender (the only anti-virus type software on this machine)
- Installed ChibiStudio twice
- Several times attempted to create a new board config (using File -> New -> Other -> ChibiOS -> ChibiOS Configuration Wizard)

Each attempt, there was no activity in the ChibiStudio console, and no board.h/.c/.mk files were produced.

Best regards

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