Difficulties in set up and configuration for ChibiOS on Ubuntu18

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Difficulties in set up and configuration for ChibiOS on Ubuntu18

Postby varad@1994 » Sat Jun 06, 2020 3:35 pm

Respected Team,
I am beginner to ChibiOs. I wanted to install ChibiOS in Ubuntu 18 . Process I followed is :
I have downloaded the latest files from website and extract the contents. Now I have a question. After that how can i configure ChibiOs using eclipse. My requirement is very simple. I wanted to create tasks (periodic and a periodic tasks) and synchronize . I do not need specific hardware.
If someone help me to do this tasks or provide me information about installation and setting up configuration then it will be very helpful.

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Re: Difficulties in set up and configuration for ChibiOS on Ubuntu18

Postby Giovanni » Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:43 pm


Have you tried one of the demos? a very basic example in included in all demos. I also suggest looking at the guides on http://playembedded.org there is everything to get started quickly.

About Ubuntu, I use Linux Mint which is very similar. There is a Linux VM with everything installed in the download area, you may try that.


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Re: Difficulties in set up and configuration for ChibiOS on Ubuntu18

Postby varad@1994 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:27 pm

Thanks or your reply.
1. What I did up till now is I have downloaded the package from chibios.org and then extract it on my ubuntu. Now inside that folder there is one folder called 'Demos' which is inside 'chibios_stable-20.3.x'. Now i tried to copile one of the demo (I tried to compile posix simulator) so initialy it was giving me error for ruining 32 bit OS on 64 bit that I have solved , and then I tried to make (build) then build folder generated but executable file ws not present there.

2. I will check the link which you have sent me, but is in any case if you have any other documents for configuring the ChibiOS and create simple task then will you please share to me. It will be very helpful for me.
Really appreciate all your help.


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