ChibiStudio_2003 debug issues

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ChibiStudio_2003 debug issues

Postby steved » Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:37 pm

I've just run up the ChibiStudio_2023 environment (on a PC) to see if it sorts a couple of problems with debugging under ChibiStudio_2022; unfortunately not so:

1. Using the Chibi plugin to download a trace, it still fails with a timeout error as the attached screenshot. (The actual number varies a bit according to program and compiler version; I've previously traced where it came from, which IIRC was the name of the last thread in the registry). The plugin can downloaded other information from the target OK.

2. Theoretically adding -c "$_TARGETNAME configure -rtos chibios" as a command-line parameter for OpenOCD means that the debugger shows all threads in the debug window; now it just shows the current thread, with a message "No RTOS thread" and a log entry "Error: ChibiOS registry integrity check failed, double linked list violation"
(The parameter is "chibios", although the OpenOCD manual implies "ChibiOS").
I also tried OpenOCD version 12 with no difference.

3. Also, happened to notice that the "OpenOCD on Picoprobe" external tool looks for environment variable "OPEN_OCD_PICO", which doesn't exist.

The first two items both used to work on earlier installations.

Any ideas?

Debugging Nucleo STM32F767 using the attached ST-Link interface and Chibi 21.11.3, if it makes a difference.

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Re: ChibiStudio_2003 debug issues

Postby Giovanni » Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:24 pm


OpenOCD has not yet been updated to support ChibiOS RT7 present in version 21.11.x, probably this is the reason.

You can inspect threads using the ChibiOS plugin.


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Re: ChibiStudio_2003 debug issues

Postby steved » Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:16 pm

Giovanni wrote:OpenOCD has not yet been updated to support ChibiOS RT7 present in version 21.11.x, probably this is the reason.

That's a pity, but I can always go back to Chibi 20 (I only moved the program forward to Chibi 21 to see if the newer scheduler option might fix an obscure problem I was having - which it didn't, of course).

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Re: ChibiStudio_2003 debug issues

Postby Giovanni » Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:11 pm


What problem exactly?


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Re: ChibiStudio_2003 debug issues

Postby steved » Mon Mar 20, 2023 10:01 am

Giovanni wrote:Hi,

What problem exactly?


This one.At one point it looked as if the problem occurred when one ISR was immediately followed by by another, without returning to "normal" code. Needless to say it was nothing to do with ChibiOS; turned out that QSPI access wasn't being managed as well as I thought (and no, I haven't been working on it continuously for a year! It's a low priority project that gets dusted off occasionally).

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