Help with creating board files / STMH747XI porting problem

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Re: Help with creating board files / STMH747XI porting problem

Postby TKorho » Fri Feb 04, 2022 3:33 am

After forcing source folder exclusion "Settings / C/C++ General" / Paths and Symbols / Source Location / ==> Exclusion Filter, and re-indexing I forced the wrong definitions away.

It did not solve my other problems with the initialization, SERIAL or sys timer. [/size]


I noticed something odd, which might be connected to my init and SERIAL problems. Or this could be ChibiStudio (Eclipse) oddity. This could even be ChibiStudio bug report, but since it is very much connected to this my F747 project, I report it here for now.

When I 'Show Declaration' (F3 key in editor), it points to wrong portings if AVR XMEGA!? :shock:
This manifests also when I type in the structure, and try to fill it, the automatic references show the wrong structure.

I was very thorough, and checked all the Makefile references, and I have nothing of the kind in my Makefile .mk references. The primary (related) reference in the Makefile is this:

Code: Select all

# HAL-OSAL files (optional).
include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/ports/STM32/STM32H7xx/
And the STMH7xx platform indeed and very surely points to the correct include

Code: Select all


I did in-file search to all the files in the project, and I checked the ChibiStudio project settings - the (auto) includes show correctly to the H7 platform folders only. I have never dabbled with anything with AVR, so it cannot be from my previous porting efforts.

A sample from the auto-includes, which correctly points to the ST32H7xx device and ports:

Are there any known pitfalls that might cause incorrect references in ChibiStudio / Eclipse?

EDIT: When I tried to create and inject the SerialConfig into the sdStart, the compiler complains that the reference is of the wrong type for the sdStart-function. So there is some sanity in this yet.

EDIT2: After re-indexing the Eclipse environment I could see the STM32 definition also, but the AVR declaration still took precedency, and I couldn't pick the correct one.

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