Generate a PWM signal with GPIO.

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Generate a PWM signal with GPIO.

Postby GianlucaLaManna » Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:34 pm

I'm a trainee to STMicroelectronics. We use the board SPC560P - DISP. How I can use the signal PWM with GPIO for (for example) to blink a led or to manage some servomotors? There is a full documentation? On site of ST there is a little information. There are the API?
I do not understand what port(GPIO) write and what should I use C functions.
I'm sorry, but I'm at the beginning.

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Re: Generate a PWM signal with GPIO.

Postby Giovanni » Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:49 pm


Have you tried the PWM demo included in SPC5Studio? there is a an example there, the API documentation is accessible by right clicking on the "Portable HAL" component, then look under the "Doc" submenu.


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Re: Generate a PWM signal with GPIO.

Postby GianlucaLaManna » Fri Mar 13, 2015 1:01 pm

Yes I included this demo, but If I understand it that code writes PWM signals on the board for led D11. Ok I have found the doc. If I understand its operation I will close this thread.
Thank you very much.

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Re: Generate a PWM signal with GPIO.

Postby GianlucaLaManna » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:52 pm

Ok I understand where it exits the signal PWM. I used the test program ICU PWM. Do you know how take external inputs? I've read that you must use eTimer.
For example, if I wanted to turn on and off a LED external to the board via a software interface like and what can I send as input to the board?

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Re: Generate a PWM signal with GPIO.

Postby Giovanni » Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:34 pm

What kind of external inputs? if you mean digital states on input pins then you have to use the PAL driver, palReadPad() reads the state of an input pin.


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Re: Generate a PWM signal with GPIO.

Postby GianlucaLaManna » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:16 pm

Ok, I have to manage some sensors (ultrasonic sensor). I must then process the signal taken from the sensors to send to another output signal.
Input and output.

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Re: Generate a PWM signal with GPIO.

Postby GianlucaLaManna » Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:39 pm

Sorry but I don't understand how to use the palReadPad(). Can I see a console for output? For example, I have a infrared sensor which provides output a number. Where can I see this number and which port and pad I have to use in the function palReadPad()? Which pin have to use on the board?
Sorry but I'm beginner.

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Re: Generate a PWM signal with GPIO.

Postby Giovanni » Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:43 pm

palReadPad() returns the status of an input pin which can be zero or one.

I cannot answer to any other question until you provide details about the sensor, how it is connected and how you expect to use it.


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