I2C Slave mode support?

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Re: I2C Slave mode support?

Postby Edoardo1982 » Mon May 09, 2022 5:00 pm

gab wrote:Is there a working i2c-slave code for stm32f103? I'm trying many variants published in this topic, but no one working :( Please help me!

Hi, this is my chibios203 supporting I2C slave,
Demo is under testhal/STM32/STM32F4xx/I2C-MASTER_SLAVE

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Re: I2C Slave mode support?

Postby gab » Mon May 30, 2022 7:01 pm

Sorry for late answer. Bellissimo! Ok. I can see RX events!
i2c-scan works.

Some questions:
"I2CDx.reply_required" - when this flag toggled on?

My test sketch on arduino UNO, connected to my board:
Wire.beginTransmission(0x18); // 0x18 - my device addr.

////---- I see in this place, that my board catch i2c addr. Ok.

Wire.requestFrom(0x18, 1);
while(Wire.available() == 0){ ////// ----- this music will be forever... :(
int c = Wire.read();

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Re: I2C Slave mode support?

Postby steved » Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:14 pm

I've never used the F103; IIRC I last used I2Cv1 slave code on the F4, which I stopped using a long time ago. AFAIK that should work on F103 as well.
I last updated ChibiOS 19.1.3 (not sure how well it was tested), and have attached the updated files from there.

The test harnesses I used are posted somewhere way back, possibly on this thread.
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Re: I2C Slave mode support?

Postby yiancar » Thu Jul 28, 2022 7:06 pm

I know this is a very old long thread but would like to ask why this seems not to be making it into upstream?:)


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Re: I2C Slave mode support?

Postby steved » Sun Jul 31, 2022 9:26 am

yiancar wrote:I know this is a very old long thread but would like to ask why this seems not to be making it into upstream?:)

I suspect because the code could do with a good cleanup after several people have updated and extended it. I've long felt that the V2 code is over-complicated, but since it works reliably for me I haven't had the time and inclination to touch it.
Also, the method of receiving data chosen by the original author may not suit everyone (I2C receive is tricky because you have a limited time to respond)

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Re: I2C Slave mode support?

Postby yiancar » Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:07 am

steved wrote:
yiancar wrote:I know this is a very old long thread but would like to ask why this seems not to be making it into upstream?:)

I suspect because the code could do with a good cleanup after several people have updated and extended it. I've long felt that the V2 code is over-complicated, but since it works reliably for me I haven't had the time and inclination to touch it.
Also, the method of receiving data chosen by the original author may not suit everyone (I2C receive is tricky because you have a limited time to respond)

Cheers Steved thank you for the reply.
Is there a chance I could get a TL;DR regarding which versions of ChibiOS it works with and which st chips it supports? maybe also some gotchas that people should be aware of?

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Re: I2C Slave mode support?

Postby steved » Mon Aug 01, 2022 5:28 pm

All but the most recent ST devices use one of two I2C hardware blocks, each with its own driver. (So I2CV1, I2CV2). You can tell which by looking at the device-specific make file - look in the directories under \os\hal\ports\STM32 (for 20.3.4, anyway).
Judging by the minimal work involved in porting the I2CV2 slave driver forward, moving I2CV1 from Chibi 19 to Chibi 20 should largely be a matter of modifying the various files in the zip which I posted.

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