RP2040 compilation

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RP2040 compilation

Postby mr_byte31 » Wed Nov 06, 2024 9:16 am

Hi All,

I am trying to port Ardupilot on Pi Pico (RP2040). I understood it uses ChibiOS as RT OS.
I have experience with FreeRTOS but not with ChibiOS so I am struggling a little bit of using ChibiOS.

Let me focus on my basic question.

I tried to compile the example code in the demos folder. I used the SDK in the ext folder after unzipping it.


I am just wondering , where is the UF2 file ?

one other question, is the port for RP2040 fully functioning or there are features that are not supported?

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Re: RP2040 compilation

Postby Giovanni » Wed Nov 06, 2024 3:48 pm


The UF2 file is not generated by the build system (it is generic, not RP-specific), the provided demo runs in RAM and is loaded by the debugger.

The port is fully functional for supported things, note that there is a lot of extra support in the community repository on github. If you join our discord you could find people that used it more than me, I just did the basic port.



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