Porting to LPC1114FN28

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Porting to LPC1114FN28

Postby tmune » Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:10 pm

Hello all,
I'm trying to port the OS to LPC1114FN28. I know there is LPC1114 version exits. I'm proting the version to my hardware. I had an error of "ram overflowed by 88 bytes" because the the version of 1114 used has only 4KB sram. I modified lpc1114.ld to set __main_stack_size__ = 0x0100. Now I have a clean compilation and get ch.hex.
My questions are;
Can the stack size be 0x100?
Does the os require the ouside crystal like LPC1114Xpresso board? I'm trying to use the internal clock. I don't know where to look for the system clock setup?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Re: Porting to LPC1114FN28

Postby Giovanni » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:38 pm


256 bytes should be enough, that space is the stack used by the main() function so it depends on what you do there.

Clock settings are located in mcuconf.h.


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Re: Porting to LPC1114FN28

Postby tmune » Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:49 pm

Thanks for your quick reply, Giovanni.
I have not finished porting yet but I have another question.
when I write a code like,
LPC_GPIO0->MASKED_ACCESS[1 << 7 ] = 1 << 7;
Is this equivalent to
writing Mask register at GPIO0 address + 7 = 0x80 and
writing Data register at GPIO0 address(0x50003FFC) = 0x80
I could not find where you set the direction register but I have to write
LPC_GPIO0->DIR = 1 << 7;
don.t I?

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Re: Porting to LPC1114FN28

Postby Giovanni » Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:22 pm


GPIO related code is in pal_lld.c and pal_lld.h. Exactly what are you trying to accomplish?


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