LPC435x port/support

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LPC435x port/support

Postby LukaszB » Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:54 pm


(sorry for my english).

Currently, I am researching the possibility of applying ChibiOs on the LPC4350. It has two independent 204MHz cores Cortex-M4 with FPU and Cortex-M0 and is very cheap.

Soon I have to decide how to use an RTOS, and I therefore questions:
1) Can I fit ChibiOS so that it supports two independent cores?
2) Can i port ChibiOS to support LPC4350 with external program memory only (on Quad-SPI Interface)?
3) I assume that there are no problems with TCP / IP, CAN, USB, SD card on ChibiOS?

In the case of the active participation of the ChibiOS creator I'm able to share my work of porting the LPC and supporting and independent dual cores.

Thanks for your answer.

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Re: LPC435x port/support

Postby Giovanni » Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:09 pm


It depends on how you wish to support the two cores, for example:
- Run ChibiOS on the big one and not on the M0 (you may run NIL on the M0 as 2nd RTOS, just an idea).
- Run two ChibiOS instances on the two cores (easy enough if you use separate flash/ram areas and build the two images separately).
- Make a real multi-core kernel (hard to do in general and even harder on asymmetric architectures, M4 and M0 does not even have an equal instructions set).

I assume that there are no problems with TCP / IP, CAN, USB, SD card on ChibiOS?

You should assume that there will be problems because device drivers have to be written.

You should also try to contact "theShed" moderator of this forum and maintainer of the LPC code and plan with him the support, if I remember well he was interested in this device too.


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Re: LPC435x port/support

Postby theShed » Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:51 pm

I'm still interested in the dual-core devices and have bought myself a 4337 board as a xmas present.
Now just have to wait for ChinaPost / UK customs to deliver...


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