Olimex LPC-MT-2106

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Olimex LPC-MT-2106

Postby andrew_tholt » Sat May 30, 2015 3:14 pm


I am new to ChibiOS and have been investigating it via the AVR and STM32F4 ports. I have an LPC-MT-2106 board that is close to perfect for a project I am about to start (it lacks ADC, but I can add that via i2c) and I was wondering two things:

1. Has anybody out there ported ChibiOS to it ?
2. How much effort would i take ? I'm guessing I could use the 2148 as start point.

Many thanks,

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Re: Olimex LPC-MT-2106

Postby Giovanni » Sat May 30, 2015 3:25 pm


It should be simple, it depends how similar it is to the 2148.


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Re: Olimex LPC-MT-2106

Postby bvernoux » Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:04 pm

The most interesting support will be for LPC4370 as it is the best and cheapest MCU !
For information I'm the main developer of the firmware for AirSpy which use it with open source code here https://github.com/airspy/firmware
And If someone plan a port I could help.

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Re: Olimex LPC-MT-2106

Postby Giovanni » Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:34 pm

The problem is that this family is currently without maintainers, I will port the existing 2.6.9 code, probably, when I will have time... but not actively do new developments.


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