LPC8xx port

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LPC8xx port

Postby theShed » Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:42 pm

Yep, a port to the shiny new NXP LPC8xx series.....
Includes drivers for: PAL, SERIAL and GPT(untested).


EDIT: Now included in the main repository.

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Re: LPC8xx port

Postby Giovanni » Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:45 pm

Again thanks. We still need a maintainer for LPCs :)


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Re: LPC8xx port

Postby theShed » Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:03 pm

OK, stick my name against the LPC1xxx and LPC8xx ports.

And if someone wants to buy me a 4xxx...


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Re: LPC8xx port

Postby Giovanni » Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:24 pm


Lets start with with LPC1xxx and LPC800, I will PM you in the evening. I will look into the LPC4xxx, there are some donation funds I could use, is there an LPCXpresso for that?


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Re: LPC8xx port

Postby theShed » Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:30 pm

Bizarrely an advert for a new LPC4357 EVB from Farnell/Element 14 has just appeared in my inbox :o

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Re: LPC8xx port

Postby Tectu » Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:52 pm

Meanwhile, I should receive an LPC4350 board including a touchscreen tft within the next week or two (not 100% sure yet).

~ Tectu

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Re: LPC8xx port

Postby jcw » Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:53 pm

It think the ALIGN(16) SUBALIGN(16) settings in LPC812.ld can be reduced to ALIGN(4) SUBALIGN(4) for a nice code size reduction.

Also, I was wondering whether the main stack and process stack are both being used on this chip. Are all interrupts handled on the process stack on an ARM Cortex M0+ ?


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Re: LPC8xx port

Postby jcw » Thu May 22, 2014 2:27 pm

What's the status of NXP/LPC support with ChibiOS, in particular 3.x?

I've been quite happy with using the support for it in the 2.x series, but it looks like there is nothing in 3.x yet, w.r.t. HAL and Nil. If 2.x is a dying horse (no disrespect intended!), then how do we get from here to some 3.x demo's for the LPC's?

If it's a matter of hacking around and reorganising what's in 2.x and moving/renaming things to the proper spot in the new 3.x tree, then I could have a go at the LPC812 and LPC11C24, if that's of any help. Main interest from my end is for the low end chips in combination with Nil.

Nil is brilliant, btw. Thanks very much for the clean decoupling of RTOS and HAL, and the effective build structure, Giovanni.


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Re: LPC8xx port

Postby Giovanni » Thu May 22, 2014 2:51 pm


theShed stated that he will start porting the LPC stuff to 3.0 at some point, of course help would be welcome, there is nothing preventing the port.

It is just matter of replacing the "ch" functions with "osal" functions and creatin the usual small demos under RT and NIL.

One thing I would consider is grouping all the LPC devices in a single tree, this worked well for STM32 and SPC5xx, see the current /os/hal/ports organization.


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Re: LPC8xx port

Postby jcw » Thu May 22, 2014 3:12 pm

Ok, thx. Assuming I get something going: there's probably no value in forking off GitHub and contributing pull requests?


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