The Renesas RX63N RDK (Renesas Development Kit) is a low cost, full featured, reference design for the Renesas RX63N MCU. Cloud connected devices send and receive data over the Internet using a wired or wireless data communications interface – on the RDK, this includes the Ethernet interface and the RedPine WiFi interface (if available). Cloud-capable firmware is pre-programmed (and available for download & modification) that enables the RDK for cloud connectivity. Cloud connected devices are called “Clients.” Although the Internet is used as the medium for Client communication, cloud connectivity requires a cloud-based server platform that does things like: server-based authentication, storage, processing, routing of data, and application software functionality. Exosite’s server technologies provide a redundant and distributed application framework that does this heavy lifting. It allows the RDK software to simply use an authentication key (a Client Interface Key - “CIK”) and a data port name (an Alias - e.g. “my_temp”) to interact with its own or other cloud-connected data. The server technologies that make this possible are called the “Data Platform” (Exosite’s One Platform). For complete documentation and visit