Tiva Tickless mode

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Tiva Tickless mode

Postby Marco » Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:03 pm


I'm trying to implement the tickless mode for the Tiva port and it seems to be almost working but I have a question about the test suite benchmark in Tick and Tickless mode.
Following are the two test suite results:

Tick mode:

Code: Select all

*** ChibiOS/RT test suite
*** Kernel:       3.0.0dev
*** Compiled:     Mar 19 2015 - 20:41:06
*** Compiler:     GCC 4.7.4 20140401 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_7-branch revision 209195]
*** Architecture: ARMv7-ME
*** Core Variant: Cortex-M4
*** Port Info:    Advanced kernel mode
*** Platform:     Tiva C Series TM4C123x
*** Test Board:   Texas Instruments TM4C123G Launchpad

--- Test Case 1.1 (Threads, enqueuing test #1)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.2 (Threads, enqueuing test #2)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.3 (Threads, priority change)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.4 (Threads, delays)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.1 (Semaphores, enqueuing)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.2 (Semaphores, timeout)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.3 (Semaphores, atomic signal-wait)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.4 (Binary Semaphores, functionality)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.1 (Mutexes, priority enqueuing test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.2 (Mutexes, priority return)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.3 (Mutexes, status)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.4 (CondVar, signal test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.5 (CondVar, broadcast test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.6 (CondVar, boost test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 4.1 (Messages, loop)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 5.1 (Mailboxes, queuing and timeouts)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.1 (Events, registration and dispatch)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.2 (Events, wait and broadcast)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.3 (Events, timeouts)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 7.1 (Heap, allocation and fragmentation test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 8.1 (Memory Pools, queue/dequeue)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 9.1 (Dynamic APIs, threads creation from heap)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 9.2 (Dynamic APIs, threads creation from memory pool)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 9.3 (Dynamic APIs, registry and references)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 10.1 (Queues, input queues)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 10.2 (Queues, output queues)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.1 (Benchmark, messages #1)
--- Score : 107386 msgs/S, 214772 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.2 (Benchmark, messages #2)
--- Score : 91785 msgs/S, 183570 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.3 (Benchmark, messages #3)
--- Score : 91785 msgs/S, 183570 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.4 (Benchmark, context switch)
--- Score : 525608 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.5 (Benchmark, threads, full cycle)
--- Score : 68421 threads/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.6 (Benchmark, threads, create only)
--- Score : 111817 threads/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.7 (Benchmark, mass reschedule, 5 threads)
--- Score : 29048 reschedules/S, 174288 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.8 (Benchmark, round robin context switching)
--- Score : 222984 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.9 (Benchmark, I/O Queues throughput)
--- Score : 229828 bytes/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.10 (Benchmark, virtual timers set/reset)
--- Score : 379090 timers/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.11 (Benchmark, semaphores wait/signal)
--- Score : 344612 wait+signal/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.12 (Benchmark, mutexes lock/unlock)
--- Score : 280760 lock+unlock/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.13 (Benchmark, RAM footprint)
--- System: 336 bytes
--- Thread: 68 bytes
--- Timer : 20 bytes
--- Semaph: 12 bytes
--- EventS: 4 bytes
--- EventL: 20 bytes
--- Mutex : 16 bytes
--- CondV.: 8 bytes
--- Queue : 36 bytes
--- MailB.: 40 bytes
--- Result: SUCCESS

Final result: SUCCESS

Tickless mode:

Code: Select all

*** ChibiOS/RT test suite
*** Kernel:       3.0.0dev
*** Compiled:     Mar 19 2015 - 20:38:33
*** Compiler:     GCC 4.7.4 20140401 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_7-branch revision 209195]
*** Architecture: ARMv7-ME
*** Core Variant: Cortex-M4
*** Port Info:    Advanced kernel mode
*** Platform:     Tiva C Series TM4C123x
*** Test Board:   Texas Instruments TM4C123G Launchpad

--- Test Case 1.1 (Threads, enqueuing test #1)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.2 (Threads, enqueuing test #2)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.3 (Threads, priority change)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.4 (Threads, delays)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.1 (Semaphores, enqueuing)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.2 (Semaphores, timeout)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.3 (Semaphores, atomic signal-wait)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.4 (Binary Semaphores, functionality)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.1 (Mutexes, priority enqueuing test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.2 (Mutexes, priority return)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.3 (Mutexes, status)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.4 (CondVar, signal test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.5 (CondVar, broadcast test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.6 (CondVar, boost test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 4.1 (Messages, loop)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 5.1 (Mailboxes, queuing and timeouts)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.1 (Events, registration and dispatch)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.2 (Events, wait and broadcast)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.3 (Events, timeouts)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 7.1 (Heap, allocation and fragmentation test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 8.1 (Memory Pools, queue/dequeue)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 9.1 (Dynamic APIs, threads creation from heap)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 9.2 (Dynamic APIs, threads creation from memory pool)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 9.3 (Dynamic APIs, registry and references)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 10.1 (Queues, input queues)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 10.2 (Queues, output queues)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.1 (Benchmark, messages #1)
--- Score : 113299 msgs/S, 226598 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.2 (Benchmark, messages #2)
--- Score : 96839 msgs/S, 193678 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.3 (Benchmark, messages #3)
--- Score : 96839 msgs/S, 193678 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.4 (Benchmark, context switch)
--- Score : 554520 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.5 (Benchmark, threads, full cycle)
--- Score : 72192 threads/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.6 (Benchmark, threads, create only)
--- Score : 117978 threads/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.7 (Benchmark, mass reschedule, 5 threads)
--- Score : 30647 reschedules/S, 183882 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.8 (Benchmark, round robin context switching)
--- Score : 235260 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.9 (Benchmark, I/O Queues throughput)
--- Score : 242484 bytes/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.10 (Benchmark, virtual timers set/reset)
--- Score : 180974 timers/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.11 (Benchmark, semaphores wait/signal)
--- Score : 363584 wait+signal/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.12 (Benchmark, mutexes lock/unlock)
--- Score : 296256 lock+unlock/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.13 (Benchmark, RAM footprint)
--- System: 336 bytes
--- Thread: 68 bytes
--- Timer : 20 bytes
--- Semaph: 12 bytes
--- EventS: 4 bytes
--- EventL: 20 bytes
--- Mutex : 16 bytes
--- CondV.: 8 bytes
--- Queue : 36 bytes
--- MailB.: 40 bytes
--- Result: SUCCESS

Final result: SUCCESS

As you can see in the benchmark the Tickless mode performs better, except for Test Case 11.10 (Benchmark, virtual timers set/reset). This result is almost halved compared to the Tick mode.

Is this normal behavior or could there something wrong in my implementation?


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Re: Tiva Tickless mode

Postby Giovanni » Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:08 pm

Entirely expected, the timers code is heavier but everything else takes less interrupts so all other benchmarks improve, good job.


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Re: Tiva Tickless mode

Postby Marco » Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:26 pm

Ah yes ofcourse, that makes sense. Thank you for making that clear. :)

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Re: Tiva Tickless mode

Postby Marco » Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:35 pm

How much improvement in Tickless compared to Tick mode can I expect? After some optimizations in st_lld and building with -O2 the previous posted benchmark improved by a factor 2 to 3. I'm not sure what to think about this.. The leds keep blinking at correct frequency though.

Device is running at 80MHz.

Code: Select all

*** ChibiOS/RT test suite
*** Kernel:       3.0.0dev
*** Compiled:     Mar 20 2015 - 21:19:57
*** Compiler:     GCC 4.7.4 20140401 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_7-branch revision 209195]
*** Architecture: ARMv7-ME
*** Core Variant: Cortex-M4
*** Port Info:    Advanced kernel mode
*** Platform:     Tiva C Series TM4C123x
*** Test Board:   Texas Instruments TM4C123G Launchpad

--- Test Case 1.1 (Threads, enqueuing test #1)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.2 (Threads, enqueuing test #2)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.3 (Threads, priority change)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.4 (Threads, delays)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.1 (Semaphores, enqueuing)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.2 (Semaphores, timeout)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.3 (Semaphores, atomic signal-wait)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.4 (Binary Semaphores, functionality)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.1 (Mutexes, priority enqueuing test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.2 (Mutexes, priority return)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.3 (Mutexes, status)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.4 (CondVar, signal test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.5 (CondVar, broadcast test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.6 (CondVar, boost test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 4.1 (Messages, loop)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 5.1 (Mailboxes, queuing and timeouts)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.1 (Events, registration and dispatch)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.2 (Events, wait and broadcast)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.3 (Events, timeouts)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 7.1 (Heap, allocation and fragmentation test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 8.1 (Memory Pools, queue/dequeue)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 9.1 (Dynamic APIs, threads creation from heap)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 9.2 (Dynamic APIs, threads creation from memory pool)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 9.3 (Dynamic APIs, registry and references)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 10.1 (Queues, input queues)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 10.2 (Queues, output queues)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.1 (Benchmark, messages #1)
--- Score : 336167 msgs/S, 672334 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.2 (Benchmark, messages #2)
--- Score : 275889 msgs/S, 551778 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.3 (Benchmark, messages #3)
--- Score : 275889 msgs/S, 551778 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.4 (Benchmark, context switch)
--- Score : 1107384 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.5 (Benchmark, threads, full cycle)
--- Score : 202040 threads/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.6 (Benchmark, threads, create only)
--- Score : 296325 threads/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.7 (Benchmark, mass reschedule, 5 threads)
--- Score : 89897 reschedules/S, 539382 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.8 (Benchmark, round robin context switching)
--- Score : 672340 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.9 (Benchmark, I/O Queues throughput)
--- Score : 771160 bytes/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.10 (Benchmark, virtual timers set/reset)
--- Score : 571490 timers/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.11 (Benchmark, semaphores wait/signal)
--- Score : 1333460 wait+signal/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.12 (Benchmark, mutexes lock/unlock)
--- Score : 727344 lock+unlock/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.13 (Benchmark, RAM footprint)
--- System: 336 bytes
--- Thread: 68 bytes
--- Timer : 20 bytes
--- Semaph: 12 bytes
--- EventS: 4 bytes
--- EventL: 20 bytes
--- Mutex : 16 bytes
--- CondV.: 8 bytes
--- Queue : 36 bytes
--- MailB.: 40 bytes
--- Result: SUCCESS

Final result: SUCCESS

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Re: Tiva Tickless mode

Postby Giovanni » Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:47 pm

The improvement depends on the systick frequency, if it is 1000hZ then the system is serving 1000 less interrupts per second and their overhead.

The point is not much about performance anyway but power consumption mainly. The CPU is able to use deeper sleep states for a longer time without being continuously forced to serve the systick.


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Re: Tiva Tickless mode

Postby Marco » Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:57 pm


Ofcourse the tickless mode is mainly about power consumption, but i wasn't expecting that much of performance difference. Comparing it again showed it was caused by the optimization level, which is logical.


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Re: Tiva Tickless mode

Postby Giovanni » Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:43 am

Hi, results are missing. It is best if you post them in code blocks.


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Re: Tiva Tickless mode

Postby Marco » Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:47 am

Hi Giovanni,

It looks like he copied the first few lines of the opening post. Not sure if it's a mistake or spam.


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Re: Tiva Tickless mode

Postby Giovanni » Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:51 am

Spam, banning range. With this I think most Pakistan is gone now...

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