Version of Chibios

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Version of Chibios

Postby alejoseb » Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:58 pm

I am trying to compile the Hal examples for NRF51 in the community folder, but seems that folder structure of current chibios is not compatible with examples. Is there any particular version that I have to use to compile these examples?

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Re: Version of Chibios

Postby Giovanni » Fri Sep 06, 2019 9:34 am


Community code is not updated together with ChibiOS being the effort of volunteers.

I suggest trying previous ChibiOS versions going backward: 19.x then 18.x, then 17.x etc. On SF there are still all older versions, old code is also available on the repository under /tags.

Refreshing the code is then up to the authors.


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