ChibiStudio 2020

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ChibiStudio 2020

Postby steved » Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:58 am

Should the Chibi plugin in ChibiStudio_2020 work with Chibi 19 applications? Specifically, the trace functionality; the other tabs seem to work. I just get a memory access error.

As a minor detail, mousing over the 'Refresh' button in the plugin always says "Refresh Timer List" regardless of the active tab.

And while I'm here, is there a way to extract the displayed information on the plugin's pages? Copy/Paste and print don't seem to work. (Ideal would be copy/paste into a spreadsheet, I think)

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Re: ChibiStudio 2020

Postby Giovanni » Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:54 pm

I will re-check it but trace worked last time I tried.

The plugin is pretty basic, working with Eclipse is not so easy and I am not exactly a Java fan.


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Re: ChibiStudio 2020

Postby steved » Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:35 pm

Not doing well on this.

The project itself is identical to what I was running under ChibiStudio_21; same compiler version (9.3.1), same Chibi version (19.1), same target hardware. Trace worked there.
There don't appear to be any relevant differences between Chibi 19 (RT6.0) and Chibi 20 (RT6.1)
I've tried using my earlier version of openOCD.
I've tried using Java 14 (rather than a much older version).
Initially I used my older debug launch configuration files, edited to select OpenOCD TCP/IP. Maybe there's some subtlety there; I had a lot more errors on the debug interface than I'm used to.
I went to use the new functionality for generating debug launch configurations, but don't get the relevant menu options when I've selected the elf file. I thought it might be because the file is not called "ch.elf", but a quick test on another project suggests that's not the case. (I also removed the "debug" subdirectory in case that made a difference).
I found the debug launch configuration templates, and matched mine up with those.

Not found a combination which gives me the trace buffer.

Incidentally, the offending memory location which can't be read is 134926580 (0x80AD0F4) or others in that vicinity, such as 134926420, 134926376.

What have I missed?

Ironically I only moved to ChibiStudio_2020 for this project because I was having some obscure problems setting breakpoints under ChibiStudio_21.

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Re: ChibiStudio 2020

Postby mikeprotts » Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:56 pm

I'm seeing something similar with chibios_stable- 20.3.x. In my case the address is 134401324 (0x0802cd2c), which is at the word at end of the interrupt handler - this is from the list file:

Code: Select all

08007530 <SysTick_Handler>:
 * @brief   Interrupt handler.
 * @isr
 8007530:   b508         push   {r3, lr}

 8007532:   f002 fe9d    bl   800a270 <_stats_increase_irq>
 8007536:   4807         ldr   r0, [pc, #28]   ; (8007554 <SysTick_Handler+0x24>)
 8007538:   f001 fd22    bl   8008f80 <_trace_isr_enter>
 800753c:   f001 fc18    bl   8008d70 <_dbg_check_enter_isr>

 8007540:   f000 f826    bl   8007590 <st_lld_serve_interrupt>

 8007544:   f001 fc3c    bl   8008dc0 <_dbg_check_leave_isr>
 8007548:   4802         ldr   r0, [pc, #8]   ; (8007554 <SysTick_Handler+0x24>)
 800754a:   f001 fd49    bl   8008fe0 <_trace_isr_leave>
 800754e:   f004 f837    bl   800b5c0 <_port_irq_epilogue>
 8007552:   bd08         pop   {r3, pc}
 8007554:   0802cd2c    .word   0x0802cd2c

I don't normally use ChibiStudio, but looks like it will make some debugging easier.

Just to add this is on Linux, using the ST_NUCLES144_H743ZI board.

I also just tried the RT-STM32H743ZI_REV_V-NUCLEO144 demo where the TraceBuffer works fine.


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Re: ChibiStudio 2020

Postby Giovanni » Fri Jul 17, 2020 9:35 am


I tested:

It works for me on both Linux and Windows 10 (in a VM, I don't have Windows installed). I tested.

- ChibiStudio 2020-04.
- G474 demo of version 20.3.
- Trace options to ALL.
- No other debug options.

Exactly what is failing for you?

BTW, I saw the wrong tooltip.


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Re: ChibiStudio 2020

Postby mikeprotts » Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:58 am

When using a demo, I can refresh on the TraceBuffer fine, and still works fine if I turn off tickless mode.

When I use my code, the refresh takes a long time, then pops up an error message. The popup title bar is:
ChibiOS/RT Views

The error message is:
Error:error reading memory at 134401324

That address is 0x0802cd2c which I can find in the listing as posted earlier. So there's a difference between the demo and my code that's triggering this issue.

I also notice that in the threads view, my TCPIP thread shows StkUnused as zero, I suspect because it's allocated at too high a memory address (Address 0x2407FF48, StkLimit 0x2407FB78, Stack 0x2407FDFC, StkUnused 0) as the other threads report a sensible value. I don't know if that calculation is from ChibiOS or ChibiStudio.


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Re: ChibiStudio 2020

Postby mikeprotts » Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:26 pm

I've just had a search through the source, and I'm guessing that the problem is readCString with something that's not a string - likely candidates:

Code: Select all


      // Fields specific to a CH_TRACE_TYPE_ISR_ENTER and CH_TRACE_TYPE_ISR_LEAVE events.
      if ((type.compareTo("2") == 0) || (type.compareTo("3") == 0)) {
        long name = evaluateExpressionNumber("(uint32_t)(((ch_trace_event_t *)" + tbptr + ")->");
        String name_s = readCString(name, 16);
        map.put("isr_name_s", name_s);

      // Fields specific to a CH_TRACE_TYPE_HALT event.
      if (type.compareTo("4") == 0) {
        long reason = evaluateExpressionNumber("(uint32_t)(((ch_trace_event_t *)" + tbptr + ")->u.halt.reason)");
        String reason_s = readCString(reason, 16);
        map.put("halt_reason_s", reason_s);

Elsewhere in the code there are checks like:

Code: Select all

          if (n == 0)
            name = "<no name>";
            name = readCString(n, 16);
        } catch (DebugProxyException e)


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Re: ChibiStudio 2020

Postby Giovanni » Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:36 pm

StkUnused == 0 means a likely stack overflow.

You should have some filler left in each stack.


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Re: ChibiStudio 2020

Postby mikeprotts » Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:56 pm

I've looked at the runtime memory and it contains the string "SysTick_Handler" and a trailing 0x00 so should be a good value.


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Re: ChibiStudio 2020

Postby Giovanni » Fri Jul 17, 2020 1:06 pm

Thread names are set by the application, it is assumed those are zero terminated.


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