[INFO] Read Carefully

Forum dedicated to people that want to offer or request development services around ChibiOS.
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[INFO] Read Carefully

Postby Giovanni » Fri Jun 03, 2016 12:08 pm


This forum has been requested by several persons, I want to try this and see how it works, my hope is that it will help people taking full advantage of the ChibiOS ecosystem.

This place is dedicated to people that want to offer development services or request them, of course there are few rules:

  1. Only developments around or related to ChibiOS can be handled here.
  2. After the first contact, transactions must be completed privately between the interested parties.
  3. The ChibiOS project is not part of any transaction, we don't take money for this and we don't offer any guarantee. If you want to thanks us make a small donation or buy ChibiOS :)
  4. Completed projects can be mentioned on the forum by developers if both parties agree.
  5. Developers can post to advertise their services, we can pin/lock posts on request.
  6. Buyers can open new topics requesting to be contacted or PM advertising developers directly.
  7. Prefix development advertising posts with [DEV], development requests with [REQUEST].
  8. If advertising services please be very specific about what kind of services you are offering.
  9. Do not link external consultant sites from here.
  10. We keep for us the right to remove any post, don't even try to register just to offer services, a minimum of "history" on the forum is required and carefully checked for developers.

The kind of developments that can be offered/requested here, for example, can include:

  • ChibiOS ports to new/custom platforms.
  • Development of special device drivers.
  • ChibiOS customizations.
  • ChibiOS integration with 3rd parties software.
  • Development of whole subsystems or applications.
  • Training.
  • Electronic design.
  • etc

Misuse or abuse could lead to removal of this service forum, please play nicely, this forum is very closely monitored ;)

This topic remains open for information and discussion, everything else must be strictly related to the forum topic.


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