ease the use of G++ as LD when needed

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ease the use of G++ as LD when needed

Postby alex31 » Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:15 am


Before 21.11, the compiler settings where done in the top level makefile.
Now, it's done in arm-none-eabi.mk sub makefile included at the end of the top level makefile.

Some project need to link with G++ (example : when there is global objects with virtual constructor / destructor)

I propose that, at least for LD, the setting be done only if LD is empty, or left to the non arm-none-eabi one :

Code: Select all

ifeq (,$(findstring $(TRGT),$(LD)))
LD   = $(TRGT)gcc

So far, if one puts his own definition in the compiler option section of the makefile (which is before the include of arm-none-eabi.mk), his own LD definition will not be overwritten.


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