Check for and expose maximum (DMA) transfer size Topic is solved

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Check for and expose maximum (DMA) transfer size  Topic is solved

Postby faisal » Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:26 pm

STM32 hal_spi_lld has an assert which checks that the maximum transfer size is not violated (n < 65536). Other drivers that use DMA also have this limitation, but this condition is not being checked. Additionally, it would be useful to remove that magic number and instead expose that as a #define so that the application can use it to split up transfers in blocks when needed.

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Re: Check for and expose maximum (DMA) transfer size

Postby Giovanni » Sun Nov 20, 2022 10:36 am


STM32 DMA drivers now export an STM32_DMA_MAX_TRANSFER definition. Removed the constant from all SPI drivers.

Currently in trunk but will be ported back to 21.11.3.


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