Presentation of ChibiLogic s.r.l. Services

ChibiLogic S.r.l. is the company handling the ChibiOS commercial aspects including: sales, customer support, SW/HW development, technical consultancy. This forum is NOT for support.

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Presentation of ChibiLogic s.r.l. Services

Postby Edoardo1982 » Sat Oct 19, 2024 1:01 am

Our company specializes in providing support for porting architectures, drivers, and applications on ChibiOS.
We offer tailored solutions for a wide range of embedded systems, covering various hardware platforms and use cases.

Here are some examples of our projects:

- Ported ChibiOS to Cortex-A5 for the ATSAMA5D2C-XULT and ATSAMA5D27-SOM1-EK1 boards, including peripheral driver development.
- Ported ChibiOS to 64-bit Cortex-A53 for the NXP 8MMINILPD4-EVK, with complete peripheral driver integration.
- Ported ChibiOS to MIPS32 for the PIC32MZ-Curiosity board, alongside peripheral driver development.
- Design and implementation of the TSSI, an application interface model for trusted services in order to standardize the calls from trusted services to untrusted services and viceversa.
- Ported and customized third-party libraries such as LWIP, FATFS, Reliance, HCC, uGFX, and WOLFSSL (e.g., CAAM driver integration into WOLFSSL for the iMX8).
- Developed a custom library for communication with the NXP PN5190 NFC reader.
- Supported additional hardware such as flash memories, sensors, MagStripe, TouchScreens, display and so on.
- Worked on audio applications, payment applications (EMV standards, and secure key exchange and transportation standards like TR31), security
applications, sim racing, and industrial applications.
- Provided educational materials and guided exercises on ChibiOS for learning purposes.

Feel free to contact us for any embedded system development needs, particularly those involving ChibiOS!

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