Some questions about commercial license

Open forum about everything concerning the ChibiOS commercial options. This forum is NOT for support.

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Some questions about commercial license

Postby CalM » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:35 am

Hi Giovanni

i got some questions about the commercial option for the ChibiOS/RT:

1. What about may arising patent issues, who will have to take care of that, is ist the custommer, or will it be the licensor
2. Who will be the licensor, as i have seen there is a ChibiLogic Ltd. existing
3. Support and maintanance, who will be responsible for that at the commercial level ?

I hope this aren't to trivail questions to answare



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Re: Some questions about commercial license

Postby Giovanni » Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:06 pm

Hi CalM,

About your questions:

1) It depends, patent issues on ChibiOS or the combined work? In general RTOSes have plenty previous art, especially small naked kernels like ChibiOS. I find unlikely to see patents on things like linked lists or threads... eventually I see more likely patent issues with the final product. In addition ChibiOS doesn't try to mimic anything at API or implementation level, it is not Posix or some xxxxx-like. It was designed and written from scratch with first code dating back to 1992, hard to beat that.

2) I retain the copyright on the code, ChibiLogic is the distributor and handles the commercial part. If you don't see links to ChibiLogic from is because the web site is still under construction but the company is active and has already started serving the first customers.

3) The customers interface is ChibiLogic but support will be handled by me with additional help from other persons in ChibiLogic, ultimate responsibility on the code is mine. The code maintenance process is public, commercial users are entitled to hot fixes with the highest priority.

I hope this answers your questions.


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