Stable version GPL exception clause

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Stable version GPL exception clause

Postby mabl » Thu May 31, 2012 9:47 pm

Hi Giovanni,

just a curious question on what releases do exactly fall under the exception clause? Are those only the officially released versions or i.e. also the stable_2.4.x branch? At least it also carries the exception clause in the repo.

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Re: Stable version GPL exception clause

Postby Giovanni » Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:45 am


Only the officially released versions, the branch 2.4.x is not yet a release even if everything you see there will be part of the next release.
Good point about the exception text being present in the repository, I am not going to complain if the repo code is used but the code on the repository has not necessarily been tested before commit, the test usually is done before release on all components affected by changes listed in the readme file.

Anyway, discussing about accelerating a release is possible so this should not be a big deal.


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