Firmware updates on customer side

Open forum about everything concerning the ChibiOS commercial options. This forum is NOT for support.

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Firmware updates on customer side

Postby wurstnase » Tue Jul 24, 2018 11:56 am


we are planning to buy the small commercial option for our project.
I have currently no idea how the licensing will work with compiling etc.

1.) I buy 1000 licenses
2.) Doing coding
3.) Supply application with ChibiOS RT
3.1) Each application needs one license
some time later
4.) Making updates in user code
4.1) Each update needs an additional license? (Not ChibiOS related updates)
4.2) Each divice needs an unique firmware with the license?

How I will use the licenses? Do I need to count the already used licenses by myself?
Get any microcontroller his own compiled binary?
How looks like the practise with this?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Firmware updates on customer side

Postby Giovanni » Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:36 pm


There are two basic rules:
1) You need one license per core, one application or several applications does not matter.
2) Licensee cannot give ChibiOS source code to 3rd parties.

If you do JUST development then your customer would purchase the license for the number of cores required for production (or you could purchase it, indicating your customer as owner, there are already a couple of development studios doing that).

If you have specific needs then custom solutions can be discussed, no problems.


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Re: Firmware updates on customer side

Postby wurstnase » Tue Jul 24, 2018 3:21 pm

Thanks Giovanni,

development and purchasing/production is in the same company.

So for 1.) For a single unique STM32F103 I need 1 license. When there are probably 2 or more 'applications' on it, I also need just one for this core (e.g. firmware and bootloader).

Additionally I need to count how many single unique cores (STM32F103) are sold with the applications.
When reaching 1000 cores, I need to buy next package with up to 5000 cores.

Am I right?
\o/ Nico

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Re: Firmware updates on customer side

Postby Giovanni » Tue Jul 24, 2018 3:25 pm

You can have multiple ChibiOS instances on the same core (bootloader, application, other), it is still one core one license.

You just need to count sold devices.


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