ChibiStudio for Linux 2020-05 has been released:
Note that it is an experiment using the latest Eclipse and updated debug plugins, please report any problem you may have.
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*** 2020-05 ***
- Updated to Eclipse 2020-03.
- Updated ChibiOS branches.
- Updated OpenOCD for STM32G4 support.
- Updated plugins.
- Included 19.x, 20.x and latest trunk.
The above guide posted by Rocco Marco is also valid for the Linux version. Note that this ChibiStudio version is designed to be located in /home/chibios/ChibiStudio, placing it to a different user/location requires editing of paths in workspaces and re-import of projects.
This version is also available into a full Linux Mint VM, no need to edit anything: user: chibios, pass: chibios. You can export ChibiStudio from the VM after trying it.