STSPIN32F0 (STM32F031C6) ChibiOS

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STSPIN32F0 (STM32F031C6) ChibiOS

Postby OmegaDryan » Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:19 pm

Hi guys,

First, let me introduce myself.
Let me start saying that I am new to the embedded world. Despite I have been using Arduino for a few years now, even on Nucleo32 boards, I never really wrote any real code using STM32CubeIDE or similar.

I am currently working on an R&D motor controller task using the STSPIN32F0 (the core MCU is the STM32F031C6). STM already provides a motor controller library for it, and I was able to make it work. However, during my journey, I found out the VESC motor controller has been written using the ChubiOs, and that's why I started to get interested in ChibiOS.

The first question: is the STSPIN32F0 supported by ChibiOS? The core is an STM32F031C6 and the other peripherals (Opamp, comparator, and pre-driver) can be programmed using CubeMX. So my understanding is that I should be able to use ChibiOS for it.

Assuming that the board is supported (ADC, PWM, Serial). Is ChibiOS only meant for real-time or can I use the ChibiOS HAL libraries to speed up the development process without the need for a real-time system? STM32 is also providing HAL libraries but the environment seems to me not very user friendly me.

Thanks a lot, and extra Kudos to Giovanni!
2020-07-30 12_13_44-stspin32f0a.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.png

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Re: STSPIN32F0 (STM32F031C6) ChibiOS

Postby Giovanni » Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:31 pm


The HAL can be used with or without an RTOS by just changing few inclusions in makefiles. The scenario is unusual, most choose to have RT or NIL also.


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